Entries by Trio

Is it really a penicillin allergy?

When it comes to fighting infections, penicillin is many doctors’ go-to solution. But why? For starters, the majority of infections faced by the general public are viral, which means antibiotics should not be prescribed. In comes penicillin. This antibacterial drug is highly effective against common illnesses like strep throat and ear infections. It’s also more

How to Create an Allergy-Friendly Holiday Menu Everyone Can Enjoy

  Delicious meals and tasty treats are the highlight of the holiday season for many. For people with food allergies, navigating these feasts can be a stressful affair. Fortunately, our board-certified allergists have an early gift for you in the form of good news. Creating an allergy-friendly holiday menu doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or tradition!

The Surprising Ways Allergies Can Affect Your Overall Health

Sneezing during pollen season, getting itchy eyes around pets—allergies are often considered minor inconveniences by those unaffected. But for many patients, these “inconveniences” can significantly impact their overall health and well-being. Understanding allergies’ greater health effects is essential for patients and the general public.  How can allergies affect your health? Beyond the obvious symptoms, untreated

A Back-to-School Allergy Guide for Parents

As summer draws to a close and the excitement of a new school year begins, parents of children with allergies face unique challenges. Returning to school means exposure to various potential allergens, from classroom dust and mold to shared snacks that might trigger food allergies. This comprehensive guide helps parents navigate these challenges to ensure

Navigating Childhood Allergies: A Guide for Parents

Navigating the ups and downs of childhood allergies can be a complex journey for kids and their parents. However, most stress caused by symptoms lies in the unknown. Childhood allergies are a common concern – impacting around 30% of children worldwide – and, with proper understanding, your family can learn to navigate life with allergies

Asthma and Exercise: Finding the Balance for a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

For nearly the millions of Americans living with asthma, the thought of exercise can feel daunting. Concerns about triggering an asthma attack might tempt you to skip the gym and stay home instead. However, with the right approach and management, exercise doesn’t just become possible – it can also significantly enhance your quality of life. 

Surviving Summer Pollen: A Guide to Managing Seasonal Allergies

Summer is a time for sun, fun and outdoor adventures, but for many, it also brings dreaded seasonal allergies (hay fever or allergic rhinitis). Pollen from grasses, weeds and trees can turn an enjoyable time into an uncomfortable experience. However, with the right strategies, you can manage your allergy symptoms and enjoy these beautiful days

Feast Without Fear: Food Allergies Explained

Analyzing ingredients. Questioning servers. Bringing your own food to parties. Life with food allergies can feel challenging, but remember that you’re not alone. These dietary limitations affect millions of people worldwide – around 6% of U.S. adults and children, to be exact. And like all allergies, knowledge is the key to comfort for a happy,

A Regional Guide to Seasonal Allergies in the United States

From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, no part of the U.S. is free of allergens. However, with a proper understanding of the common local triggers, you can be proactive in minimizing exposure and mitigating the effects of seasonal allergies. This guide will help you enjoy the seasons to their full potential,

Gardening with Allergies: Tips to Cultivate a Symptom-Free Environment

Gardening is a wonderful hobby! It offers a unique blend of benefits like physical activity, mental relaxation and a direct connection to nature. Yet, for people living with allergies, this serenity can often lead to stressful symptoms…but it does not have to be that way. With the right understanding, anyone can unearth peace in this